samedi 5 juillet 2014


Dietary Protein: How Much Is Optimal For Muscle Gain? - By Derek Tresize
Athletes looking to improve their body composition and gain muscle mass are often recommended to have as much as 1-1.5g of protein per pound of bodyweight every single day by reading any mainstream fitness articles on the subject. These numbers are very challenging to reach on anything resembling a healthy diet, as I can personally attest...

Suggested Supplements For Fit Vegans - By Ed Bauer
I often hear from those who have a desire to get in the best shape of their life. The caveat is some would like to do this on a completely plant-based whole foods diet, with no supplements. Now, I do believe in the power of plants as much as the next adamant vegan, but I think harping on the idea that vegans do not need to supplement ever is doing more harm than good for our movement...

Where does Torre "ThaVeganDread" Washington Get His Protein!? - By Torre Washington
There are times I want to respond with, “Do I look like I don’t get enough protein!?”, as I simultaneously flash a wide-eyed double bicep pose. Although that may sound like a great idea, I also choose to have patience with people who just don’t know the facts about protein-packed, plant-based foods. In the mainstream fitness world, beef= gains...

Do Women Need Specialized Diets and Workouts?- By Marcella Torres
It may be shocking or banal, depending on where you are in your fitness journey, but here it is: there are no special foods or special exercises for female athletes. The foods eaten and their quantity, the exercises included in workout routines - these things are determined solely by your goal as it relates to where you are currently and by your preferences...

Chad Byers' Progress Update #9 - By Chad Byers
It has been one month since my last update. Since then I have lost 6 lbs. (current weight is 208lbs.). My diet has remained mostly the same as last month, and I am still alternating between higher and lower calorie days. I am back to eating three meals per day, consisting mainly of raw fruits and vegetables, with cooked food occasionally, but not every day.

Five Easy Ways to Boost Your Green Protein - By Marcella Torres
It’s hard to picture broccoli fitting into that imagined meat-shaped hole on the plates of new vegans, yet broccoli has more protein thank you might think. Romaine, kale, and other green vegetables are comparable – a head of romaine lettuce, for example, has about 8 grams of protein...

Rob Bigwood Talks Game of Arms
I've been arm wrestling professionally since I was 18 years old and vegetarian since I was 24. I converted to vegan a few years later. Ironically, I was initially inspired at an arm wrestling tournament at the Pennsylvania State Fair. I caught a group of piglets wrestling around and fighting for milk from their mom. They were absolutely adorable and innocent and reminded me of puppies. This was the very first time I ever connected innocent beings with food...

Various Styles of Deadlifts for Mass Building - By Torre Washington
Hey everyone! This video is all about the different variations of Deadlifts that I use to put on more mass and build an overall stronger physique. Please let me know what you like, and thank you to Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness for all of your support. Let's Get It!!!

Dietary Protein: Good for Muscle Gains; Bad for Longevity? - By Derek Tresize
A multitude of research dating back to the 1930s has shown that caloric restriction (reducing daily caloric intake by ~30%) can extend the lifespan of a wide range of species from insects to primates, and quite possibly humans as well. A new study published last year in the prestigious journal Nature pointed to one reason caloric restriction might work: reduced leucine intake...

Chad Byers' Progress Update #8 - By Chad Byers
It has been 1 month since my last update. Since then I have lost 2 lbs. (current weight is 214 lbs.). My diet has remained mostly the same as last month, and I am still alternating between higher and lower calorie days. I am eating mostly raw fruits and vegetables with cooked food occasionally, but not every day.

Three Easy Steps to Getting Stronger - By Ed Bauer
Do you want to get bigger? Do you want to get leaner? Do you want to have that muscular, ripped physique that more and more vegans are achieving nowadays? Well, what is the root to acquiring any of these goals? Any guesses as to what I may suggest? To achieve larger muscles, you need to get stronger...

6 Tips for Consistency - By Mindy Collette
Because diet is equally, if not more, important than our exercise habits, I've comprised a few tips that may be helpful for anyone trying to improve their physique, mental or physical health, or heal their bodies with a plant-based diet and activity. We all know we need to eat our greens and fruit (food), rest, drink water, and follow our workout plan, but when we are busy it can be hard to be consistent. Hopefully, this is helpful! 

3 Myths About Raising Vegan Children Dispelled, Part 3 - By Marcella Torres
A vegetarian mother approached us recently at Whole Foods and marveled at the fact that our son is happily growing away on a vegan diet. “But my son hates kale!” she said. Um, yes, if that was all vegans ate we might be in trouble. Fortunately, we eat a wide variety of foods that are perfect for the needs and tastes of small children.

Where's Ya Wata? - By Torre Washington
Considering that the amount of water in the human body ranges from 50-75% it is no surprise that we would shrivel up like a prune before we would starve. Just a short list of the health benefits, as it pertains to general wellbeing, include: shuttling nutrients to different areas of the body that need them, hydrating the kidneys to efficiently breakdown and filter waste, then aiding in waste removal which allows for more efficient nutrient absorption...

Train With Higher Frequency For Faster Gains - By Derek Tresize
In the bodybuilding and fitness world there are an infinite number of ways to structure an exercise program and achieve results. There are dozens of variables you can manipulate, such as weight (as a % of your max), reps, sets, exercise selection, rest intervals, rep tempo, exercise order, time under tension, and the list goes on. There are also even more sophisticated concepts you can utilize such as periodization, overreaching, and deloading, to name a few...

Progress Update #7 - By Chad Byers
It has been one month since my last update. Since then, I have gained 4 lbs. (current weight is 216 lbs.). My diet has remained mostly the same as last month, and I am still alternating between higher and lower calorie days. I am eating mostly raw fruits and vegetables, with cooked food occasionally, but not every day.

My CrossFit Open Experience - By Ed Bauer
From Thursday, February 27th through Monday, March 31st, The Reebok CrossFit Open was my competition. One workout was released each Thursday at 5pm and each athlete had until the following Monday at 5pm to submit their score. One workout was released each week for five straight weeks. Each person’s score was the total average of their five performances. Over 209,000 people signed up for the CrossFit Open...

First Steps to Success: Posing - By Torre Washington
As in any other sport, bodybuilding requires practice and technique. One major difference between bodybuilding and other sports is that there are no “little league” opportunities to get started very young. It can simply be a bucket list for some, and even a bet for others that turns into a lifelong passion.

3 Myths About Raising Vegan Children Dispelled, Part 2 - By Marcella Torres
We are mammals, and, like all mammals, our infants survive and thrive on the milk of our own species until gradually transitioning to eating the food that the adults of our species eat. This transition seems quite logical to me and occurred very naturally for us. Before sharing the details of that transition, I’ll say a few words about breastfeeding vs. formula, and cow’s milk.

Finding Motivation and Determination - By Mindy Collette
The dedication required to become an athlete can be rather egregious if diligent maintenance hasn't been adhered to. Many will strive for excellence in a particular sport throughout their elementary education and some into college. But what happens next?

Never Give In - By Ed Bauer
I am doing this workout on Saturday, March 1, which will be judged and videotaped. My goal is to complete 7 rounds and 30 additional doubles-unders. That would give me a score of 345. This is a lofty goal, but I might as well aim high. I am representing for all the vegan athletes out there every day that are told they cannot succeed if they eat tofu...

Chad Byers' Progress Update #6 - By Chad Byers
It has been one month since my last update, and since then I have gained 2 more lbs. (current weight is 212 lbs.). My diet has remained mostly the same as last month, and I am still alternating between higher and lower calorie days. I am eating mostly raw fruits and vegetables with cooked food occasionally, but not every day.

The Basic Requirements for Gaining Muscle - By Derek Tresize
Gaining muscle requires the same basic inputs, regardless of who you are, what muscles you’re trying to specifically build, or what kind of diet you follow. That's right, a vegan diet is at least as good (if not better) than an omnivorous diet for building muscle mass, and no matter what kind of diet you're on you need to concentrate on the same variables.

Chad Byers' Progress Update #5 - By Chad Byers
It has been one month since my last update. Since then, I have gained another 3 pounds (current weight is 209 pounds). My diet has remained mostly the same as last month, and I am still alternating between higher and lower calorie days. I am eating mostly raw fruits and vegetables with cooked food occasionally, but not every day.

Surviving Valentine's Day - By Mindy Collette
Many of us groan as we enter into February, one of the heaviest (and daunting) "Hallmark" months of the year. Whether you're single or in a relationship, this "holiday" brings stress--the strain of not having a special someone to share the day with, or finding the right gift, card, and dinner spot. What good does this day do anyone trying to get fit and be healthier? Not a lot.

Periodize to Maximum - By Torre Washington
As a professional bodybuilder, it is important to me to take the constructive (and sometimes not so constructive) criticisms and feedback from judges and continue to make progress. In early 2012, the bottom line was, I needed more muscle mass. So, I started a periodization program.

3 Myths About Raising Vegan Children Dispelled, Part 1 - By Marcella Torres
What about those of us seeking to build vegan bodies from scratch? What about vegan pregnancy and raising vegan children? Given the importance of these issues, there is a surprising dearth of information, as I discovered when I became pregnant with my son after having been vegan for 12 years.

Personal Transformation - By Ed Bauer
Once I realized what was happening to me, I started to branch out and push myself more. I started taking more chances. I decided that I wanted to be a change in this world. As a compassionate vegan, I wanted to inspire people to take a look at what they were eating and how they were affecting the world around them.

Black Bean Burritos - By Marcella Torres
In this video, I share one of the staple menu items of competitive vegan bodybuilder Derek Tresize and myself! Black bean burritos - so simple it seems almost crazy to actually write out a recipe, yet so misunderstood! The versatility of this dish, that is customizable to either a weight loss or weight gain program with some simple adjustments...

Flexibility Training - By Derek Tresize
Training to improve your flexibility will not only make you more limber in day to day life, it will also improve your performance, exercise technique, and recovery, all while reducing your risk of injury. These are huge benefits for the minor time commitment of incorporating it into your routine!

New Year, New View - By Mindy Collette
The older I get, the more my vision – my life lenses, my perspective – changes.  As an adult my perception of myself is continually altered, and gradually I become less self-aware physically, or allow my self-worth to be tainted by societal norms or expectations.  Unfortunately, the end of the calendar year has encroached into my brain, and now my mind is consumed with drastic changes in my diet and workouts, and interpersonal growth...

New Year Resolution? Stay on the Path - By Ed Bauer
Now, before we decide on our best New Year’s Resolutions, I ask you to consider this: What if, instead of making a New Year’s Resolution, which we are likely to fall back on and forget, we resolve to focus on staying the path. What I mean by this is, continue to focus on what is important to you and where you are going...

Chad Byers' Progress Update #4 - By Chad Byers
It has been one month since my last update. Since then, I have gained another 3 pounds (current weight is 209 pounds). My diet has remained mostly the same as last month, and I am still alternating between higher and lower calorie days. I am eating mostly raw fruits and vegetables with cooked food occasionally, but not every day.

New Marcella Torres Photo Gallery
Check out these great images of Marcella competing, and also some wonderful shots of her with her partner Derek and their child.

Chad Byers' Progress Update #3 - By Chad Byers
It has been one month since my last update, and since then I have gained another 4 pounds (currently at 206 pounds). My diet has remained the same as last month, and I am still alternating between higher and lower calorie days. I am eating mostly raw fruits and vegetables with cooked food occasionally, but not every day.

Blueprint of a Body - By Mindy Collette
We can rise above our situation and still do the building we need to do. Just think of those days where you can't go to the gym as a carpenter who readjusts the floor plans. Applying ourselves diligently means no wasted days.

Chocolate Coconut Recovery Shake- By Ed Bauer
It is satisfying, delicious, and simple to prepare. Use a frozen banana to make it feel more like ice cream! Though the dried coconut and cacoa nibs do have nutritional benefits, I like to add them for taste and texture.

New Torre Photo Gallery
Got a bunch of new photo albums to share from a few of our team, here's one for Torre!

Fiona Oakes Smashes World Records and Represents Veganism in the Ice
Fiona's goal was to compete in an incredible eight marathons in one year, all taking place on different continents, including both poles. Competing against other people who could quite likely just be training for just a single marathon, she performed extremely well in all races, placing first more than once, and breaking world records.

How to Prepare for a Bodybuilding Competition as a Vegan Part II -by Torre Washington
My daily routine involves eating 5-6 meals per day, and that is based upon how my body responds to what I put into it, and when.  If I wait more than three hours between meals, I am starving; even meals two hours apart work for me.  Similarly, you will need to determine what works best for your body.

Eating Right on a Budget: A Well-Planned Decision - By Mindy Collette
My goal is to be gaining muscle, maintain weight, and stay on a consistent eating schedule. But, how do I do this without a personal kitchen, a consistent place to call home, limited budget, long days at work, and no gym membership? I'm working out the kinks, but so far here's what I've been learning.

My Top 3 Tips for Anyone Looking to Build an Awesome Physique - By Derek Tresize
To help anyone interested in building their own best body determine what's important versus what's asinine, I've outlined my top three tips on building an awesome physique below.

What Should I Eat? - A Basic Blueprint for a Vegan Meal Plan - By Marcella Torres
We try to share as much as we can of our workout routines and recipes on our blog, Vegan Muscle & Fitness, but I understand the need for a straightforward blueprint that allows one to plunge right in. Here it is: an example of what competitive vegan bodybuilders eat every day, complete with a grocery list!

Chad Byers' Progress Update #2 - By Chad Byers
It has been a month since my last update. Since then, I have gained another 4 lbs. (My current weight is 202 lbs.), but I have changed my diet from the previous month. Last month I had increased my calories steadily, until topping out at 6,000 calories per day, eating solely whole plant-based foods. This was difficult for me to maintain, as I felt heavy and sluggish and was putting on more body fat than I wanted...

Veganizing the Meat and Nut Breakfast and Why You Should Too - By Ed Bauer
It may sound contradictory, but I want to share why I like the science behind a high protein, high fat diet, commonly known as a “Meat and Nut Breakfast.” This approach to breakfast is from the world renowned strength coach Charles Poliquin...

10 Things to Consider Before a Competition - by Torre Washington
The topic of preparing to compete as a vegan bodybuilder has been weighing heavily on my heart in recent months because a lot of people ask me how I do it. As a five-time champion bodybuilder and vegan since 1998, I am honored to be a person others look to for answers.

Shredded on Vegetables - By Ed Bauer
While there is no secret pill or powder that will help you get a good hard workout in, and there's no way to click your heels three times and be done with it, some recent experiences in the gym have given me a couple of tricks that have helped me turn lackluster workouts around into some of my best workouts.

How to Eat the Same Thing Every Day and Never Get Bored - by Marcella Torres
Just as using a standard structure frees you from the drudgery of building one when writing, having a basic meal plan makes grocery shopping less of a chore - you already know how much of each of your few staple items to put in your cart and can spend the rest of your time and energy on the more enjoyable task of picking the fresh produce, herbs, and spices that catch your eye that week!

Add 30 Pounds of Muscles on a Plant-Based Diet - By Chad Byers
When I first transitioned to a plant-based diet, I began to lose weight. After tweaking my meals, I was able to find the right balance of nutrition and calories to maintain my weight and even build muscle. Now I must find a balance again, in order to gain a large amount of muscle without gaining body fat.

Something to Prove - By Ed Bauer
I will admit that I enjoy some of the attention I get as a vegan athlete, but what really drives me is that I have something to prove: I am here to prove that animals do not have to be killed for food. We can survive and thrive on beans, nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, and grains.

Interview at
When I became vegan in 1995, I was a five-sport athlete in high school, and endurance sports were my specialty. I didn't develop an interest in lifting weights until 1999, nearly half a decade into my vegan athletic lifestyle. When I started lifting weights and found fairly quick success in muscle gain I thought about developing a website to share my lifestyle with others...

Blueprint For A Whole Food Weight Gainer Shake - Derek Tresize
One of the most popular articles I've posted on our blog,, is a recipe for a vegan ‘weight-gainer,’ or as I call them, "bean shakes.” Here is a complete blueprint that will help you design your very own fast and easy whole food shake!

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